Conference abstract is now available here.
7th June
10:30-10:40 Opening
10:40-11:20 Cristian Enachescu (Alexandru loan Cuza Univ.)
“Elastic models, lattice dynamics and finite size effects in molecular spin crossover systems”
11:20-12:00 Shin-ichi Ohkoshi (Univ. of Tokyo)
“Functional metal complexes and metal oxide nanomaterials”
12:00-12:40 Takashi Shimada (Univ. of Tokyo)
“A mechanism of determining the robustness of evolving open systems”
(Lunch Break)
14:00-14:40 Werner Krauth (Ecole Normale Supérieure)
“Irreversible Markov chains and their applications in statistical physics”
14:40-15:20 Koji Hukushima (Univ. of Tokyo)
“Phase transitions in frustrated spin models“
(Coffee Break)
15:40-16:20 Tota Nakamura (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
“Machine learning as an improved estimator for magnetization curve and spin gap”
16:20-17:00 Takashi Mori (RIKEN)
“Some rigorous results in nonequilibrium dynamics of isolated quantum systems”
(moved from 8th)
17:00-19:00 Poster Session
8th June
9:30-10:10 Irinel Chiorescu (Florida State Univ.)
“Sensitive detection and improved control of quantum spins”
10:10-10:50 Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo)
10:50-11:30 Naoto Nagaosa (RIKEN/Univ. Tokyo)
“Chiral dynamics in quantum materials”
11:30-12:10 Hidemaro Suwa (Univ. of Tokyo)
“Self-consistent dynamics of Hubbard Model”
(moved from 7th)
(Lunch Break)
13:20-14:00 Hans De Raedt (Univ. of Groningen)
“Relaxation, thermalization, and Markovian dynamics of one and two spins coupled to a spin bath”
14:00-14:40 Chikako Uchiyama (Univ. of Yamanashi)
“Master equation approach to line shape –Role of initial correlation in linear response–”
14:40-15:20 Tohru Sakai (Univ. of Hyogo)
“Numerical Exact Diagonalization Study on Frustrated Quantum Spin Systems”
(Coffee Break)
15:40-16:20 Hisao Hayakawa (YITP, Kyoto Univ.)
“Berry’s phase and fluctuation theorem in non-equilibrium driven systems”
16:20-17:00 Seiji Miyashita (Univ. of Tokyo)
“Dynamics of collapse of metastable states”
(18:00-20:00 Party (@T-Lounge CREDO, open at 17:30))