Publication List of Todo Group


  • Kwok Ho Pai, Shinichiro Akiyama, Synge Todo,
    Two-color lattice QCD in (1+1) dimensions with Grassmann tensor renormalization group,
    preprint: arXiv:2501.18918.
  • Keisuke Murota, Synge Todo,
    Local Basis Transformation to Mitigate Negative Sign Problems,
    preprint: arXiv:2501.18069.
  • Yi Wei, Yuji Sekiya, Masaya Nakayama, Synge Todo,
    Quantum Machine Learning for Phishing URLs Detection: Implementation and Evaluation with Qiskit,
  • Takumi Kobori, Yasunari Suzuki, Yosuke Ueno, Teruo Tanimoto, Synge Todo, Yuuki Tokunaga,
    LSQCA: Resource-Efficient Load/Store Architecture for Limited-Scale Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing,
    preprint: arXiv:2412.20486.
  • Synge Todo,
    Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Tensor Network Representation,
    preprint: arXiv:2412.02974.
  • Keiichi Tamai, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Truong Vinh Truong Duy, Naotake Natori, Synge Todo,
    Universal Scaling Laws of Absorbing Phase Transitions in Artificial Deep Neural Networks,
    preprint: arXiv:2307.02284.
  • Ken M. Nakanishi, Synge Todo,
    Systematic construction of multi-controlled Pauli gate decompositions with optimal T-count,
    preprint: arXiv:2410.00910.
  • 谷本寛樹, 渡大地, 篠崎佑太, 西山薫, 大久保毅, 藤堂眞治,
  • Takumi Kobori, Synge Todo,
    Bayesian Inference of General Noise Model Parameters from Surface Code's Syndrome Statistics,
    preprint: arXiv:2406.08981.
  • Y. Kohsaka, S. Akutagawa, S. Omachi, Y. Iwamichi, T. Ono, I. Tanaka, S. Tateishi, H. Murayama, S. Suetsugu, K. Hashimoto, T. Shibauchi, M. O. Takahashi, M. G. Yamada, S. Nikolaev, T. Mizushima, S. Fujimoto, T. Terashima, T. Asaba, Y. Kasahara, Y. Matsuda,
    Imaging quantum interference in a monolayer Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate,
    preprint: arXiv:2403.16553.
  • Shota Sugawara, Ryuji Imamura,
    PUAD: Frustratingly Simple Method for Robust Anomaly Detection,
    preprint: arXiv:2402.15143.
  • Yasuyuki Kato, Joji Nasu, Masahiro Sato, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Takahiro Misawa, Yukitoshi Motome,
    Spin Seebeck Effect as a Probe for Majorana Fermions in Kitaev Spin Liquids,
    preprint: arXiv:2401.13175.
  • Robert van de Geijn, Maggie Myers, RuQing G. Xu, Devin Matthews,
    Deriving Algorithms for Triangular Tridiagonalization a (Skew-)Symmetric Matrix,
    preprint: arXiv:2311.10700.
  • Sayan Mukherjee, Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn,
    Robustness for Spectral Clustering of General Graphs under Local Differential Privacy,
    preprint: arXiv:2309.06867.
  • Sora Shiratani, Kazumasa A. Takeuchi, Daiki Nishiguchi,
    Route to turbulence via oscillatory states in polar active fluid under confinement,
    preprint: arXiv:2304.03306.
  • RuQing G. Xu, Field G. Van Zee, Robert A. van de Geijn,
    GEMMFIP: Unifying GEMM in BLIS,
    preprint: arXiv:2302.08417.
  • Masahiko G. Yamada, Takumi Sanno, Masahiro O. Takahashi, Yutaka Akagi, Hidemaro Suwa, Satoshi Fujimoto, Masafumi Udagawa,
    Matrix Product Renormalization Group: Potential Universal Quantum Many-Body Solver,
    preprint: arXiv:2212.13267.
  • Taito Kutsuzawa, Synge Todo,
    Nested Iterative Shift-invert Diagonalization for Many-body Localization in the Random-field Heisenberg Chain,
    preprint: arXiv:2203.09732.
  • Ruixiao Cao, Synge Todo,
    Fast-update in self-learning algorithm for continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo,
    preprint: arXiv:2106.11645.
  • Kentaro Heya, Ken M. Nakanishi, Kosuke Mitarai, Keisuke Fujii,
    Subspace Variational Quantum Simulator,
    preprint: arXiv:1904.08566.
  • Markus Wallerberger, Sergei Iskakov, Alexander Gaenko, Joseph Kleinhenz, Igor Krivenko, Ryan Levy, Jia Li, Hiroshi Shinaoka, Synge Todo, Tianran Chen, Xi Chen, James P. F. LeBlanc, Joseph E. Paki, Hanna Terletska, Matthias Troyer, Emanuel Gull,
    Updated Core Libraries of the ALPS Project,
    preprint: arXiv:1811.08331.
  • Hiroshi Watanabe, Satoshi Morita, Hajime Inaoka, Haruhiko Matsuo, Synge Todo, Nobuyasu Ito,
    245 Billion Updates/s on a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Involving Multiple Bubble Nuclei,

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Conference Proceedings

Books / Commentaries / Reports

  • 尾崎泰助, 加藤岳生, 井戸康太, 福田将大, 藤堂眞治,
    固体物理 59, 381-387 (2024).
  • 藤堂眞治, 足立幸穂 (編) (HPCIC計算科学フォーラム),
  • Kenji Harada, Hiroaki Matsueda, Tsuyoshi Okubo,
    Application of Tensor Network Formalism for Processing Tensor Data,
    in Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society, ed. Kazushi Ikeda, Yoshiumi Kawamura, Kazuhisa Makino, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Nobuo Yamashita, Shintaro Yoshizawa, Hanna Sumita, pp. 79-100 (Springer, Singapore, 2024).
  • 大久保毅,
    数理科学12月号 58-64 (2022).
  • 大久保毅,
    固体物理 57, 633-642 (2022).
  • 諏訪秀麿, 藤堂眞治,
    日本物理学会誌 77, 731-739 (2022).
  • 大久保毅,
    数理科学 2月号 65-72 (2022).
  • 井戸康太, 笠松秀輔, 加藤岳生, 藤堂眞治,
    物質科学シミュレーションのポータルサイトMateriApps -シミュレーション初心者のためのソフトウェアの探し方-,
    静電気学会誌 45, 188 (2021).
  • M. コーエン, S. ルイ(著) 小田垣孝, 吉留崇, 大久保毅(共訳),
    現代の物性物理学 (物理学叢書111) (吉岡書店, 2021).
  • 藤原毅夫, 藤堂眞治,
    データ科学のための微分積分・線形代数 - MATLABで体験する数学基礎 (東京大学出版会, 2021).
  • 藤堂眞治,
    Google Colab x Python! 科学シミュレータ製作,
    トラ技ジュニア 42, 6-17 (2020).
  • 藤堂眞治, 常行真司,
    日本結晶学会誌 62, 51-55 (2020).
  • 井戸康太, 加藤岳生, 三澤貴宏, 藤堂眞治,
    ソフトウェア紹介「物質科学シミュレーションのポータルサイトMateriApps ― 分子動力学シミュレーションのはじめの一歩,
    分子シミュレーション学会誌 “アンサンブル” 22, 74-80 (2020).
  • 藤堂眞治,
    日本物理学会誌 74, 787-789 (2019).
  • Synge Todo,
    Monte Carlo study of Ising model with non-integer effective dimensions,
    Invited review article in Annual Report 2017 of Supercomputer Center, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo (2018).
  • 本山裕一, 三澤貴宏, 加藤岳生, 藤堂眞治,
    物質科学シミュレーションのポータルサイト MateriApps,
    固体物理 52, 743-755 (2017).
  • 山地洋平, 三澤貴宏, 吉見一慶, 河村光晶, 藤堂眞治, 川島直輝,
    量子格子模型の汎用数値対角化パッケージHΦ -スピン液体近傍の熱・スピン励起への適用-,
    固体物理 52, 539-550 (2017).
  • 西野友年, 大久保 毅,
    日本物理学会誌 72, 702 (2017).
  • Tsuyoshi Okubo,
    Massively parallel Monte Carlo simulation of a possible topological phase transition in two-dimensional frustrated spin systems,
    Invited review article in Annual Report 2016 of Supercomputer Center, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo (2017).
  • 藤堂眞治(編),
    計算物質科学イニシアティブ (学研プラス, 2016).
  • 渡辺宙志, 藤堂眞治,
    分子シミュレーション研究会会誌 アンサンブル 18, 5-6 (2016).
  • 藤堂眞治,
    "実験技術"としての量子多体系シミュレーションソフトウェア ALPS,
    日本物理学会誌 70, 275-282 (2015).
  • 藤堂眞治,
    新著紹介「岩波講座 計算科学 別巻 スーパーコンピュータ」,
    日本物理学会誌 68, 758-759 (2013).
  • Synge Todo,
    Loop Algorithm,
    in Strongly Correlated Systems: Numerical Methods (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences), ed. A. Avella, F. Mancini, pp. 153-184 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2013).
  • 藤堂眞治,
    計算工学 17, 2841-2844 (2012).
  • 藤堂眞治,
    計算工学 17, 2765-2766 (2012).
  • 諏訪秀麿, 藤堂眞治,
    日本物理学会誌 66, 370-374 (2011).
  • Statistical Physics of Quantum Systems --novel orders and dynamics--,
    ed. Naomichi Hatano, Naoki Kawashima, Seiji Miyashita, Masaki Oshikawa, Toru Sakai, Masahiro Shiroishi, Synge Todo, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. 74, (2005).
  • C. Yasuda, S. Todo, K. Hukushima, F. Alet, M. Keller, M. Troyer, H. Takayama,
    New Type of Universality on Neel Temperatures of Quasi-Low-Dimensional Antiferromagnets,
    Invited review article in Annual Report 2004 of Supercomputer Center, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo (2005).
  • Synge Todo, Takayuki Arakawa, Hajime Takayama,
    Randomness Effects on Quantum Phase Transitions of Bond-Alternating Haldane Chain,
    Invited review article in Annual Report 2003 of Supercomputer Center, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo (2004).

Doctoral Dissertations

  • Ruqing Xu,
    Antisymmetric Matrix Operations for Fermi Statistics: Algorithm Formulation and Implementations (University of Tokyo, 2024).
  • Ruixiao Cao,
    Improvement of numerical algorithm for quantum dimer models (University of Tokyo, 2023).
  • Hayate Nakano,
    Study of Semiclassical Periodic Orbits in Kinetically Constrained Quantum Many-Body Systems (University of Tokyo, 2022).
  • Fumihiro Ishikawa,
    Exploration of Classical Integrable Systems Assisted by Neural Networks (University of Tokyo, 2021).
  • Daiki Adachi,
    High-accuracy tensor renormalization group algorithms and their applications (University of Tokyo, 2020).
  • Toshiki Horita,
    Critical Phenomena of the Ising Model with Non-Integer Effective Dimensions - a Monte Carlo Study (University of Tokyo, 2018).
  • Shinya Yasuda,
    Study of quantum criticality with strong space-time anisotropy by quantum Monte Carlo with stochastic optimization (University of Tokyo, 2016).
  • Yuichi Motoyama,
    Quantum Monte Carlo approach to the quantum phase transition in terms of the Berry phase in low-dimensional anitiferromagnets (University of Tokyo, 2014).
  • H. Suwa,
    Geometrically Constructed Markov Chain Monte Carlo Study of Quantum Spin-phonon Complex Systems (University of Tokyo, 2012).

Master Theses

  • Shota Sugawara,
    Embedding of Tree Tensor Networks into Quantum Circuits of Two-Qubit Gates (University of Tokyo, 2025).
  • Tokinori Oe,
    Quantum Error Mitigation in Hamiltonian Simulation Using Quantum Singular Value Transformation (University of Tokyo, 2025).
  • Sora Shiratani,
    Stochastic approximation analysis of dynamical quantum critical phenomena in long-range transverse field Ising chain (University of Tokyo, 2024).
  • Takumi Kobori,
    Application of tensor network simulation for Bayesian inference of noise model from surface code's syndrome statistics (University of Tokyo, 2024).
  • Keisuke Murota,
    Strategies for mitigating the negative-sign problem in quantum spin systems: basis rotation and reweighting method (University of Tokyo, 2024).
  • Xun Zhao,
    Improved path-integral worm Monte Carlo method and its application to interacting bosons (University of Tokyo, 2022).
  • Taito Kutsuzawa,
    Large-scale sparse-matrix diagonalization study of many-body localization in disordered systems (University of Tokyo, 2022).
  • RuQing G. Xu,
    Differentiating Tensor Renormalization Group for Physical Quantities and Scaling Analysis (University of Tokyo, 2021).
  • Tomoyuki Morishita,
    Machine learning critical temperature of Ising model (University of Tokyo, 2021).
  • Cao Ruixiao,
    Numerical study of two-dimensional quantum dimer model (University of Tokyo, 2020).
  • Chihiro Kondo,
    Measurement of entanglement entropy by ground-state quantum Monte Carlo method (University of Tokyo, 2020).
  • Ken M. Nakanishi,
    Quantum-classical hybrid algorithm for estimating excited energies of quantum many-body systems (University of Tokyo, 2019).
  • Motoi Suzuki,
    Event-chain path-integral Monte Carlo and its application to novel quantum phase of Bosons (University of Tokyo, 2019).
  • Takuya Yamamoto,
    Tensor Network Renormalization for Non-uniform Classical Spin Systems (University of Tokyo, 2018).
  • Fumihiro Ishikawa,
    Nonergodicity and localized mode in a classical harmonic chain bath model (University of Tokyo, 2018).
  • Kai Shimagaki,
    Performance analysis of parameter inference using unsteady relaxation and application to inverse Ising problem (University of Tokyo, 2017).
  • Daiki Adachi,
    Combined optimization method using X-ray diffraction data and ab initio calculation (University of Tokyo, 2017).
  • Yasuaki Sakagawa,
    Search for novel quantum phase of He4 with continuous-space path-integral Monte Carlo (University of Tokyo, 2016).
  • Koichi Yanagisawa,
    Tensor network study of two-dimensional frustrated quantum spin model (University of Tokyo, 2015).
  • Toshiki Horita,
    Critical exponents and universality class of Ising model with long range interactions (University of Tokyo, 2014).
  • S. Yasuda,
    Numerical Analysis of Quantum Phase Transitions with Dynamic Control of Anisotropy (University of Tokyo, 2013).
  • Y. Motoyama,
    Quantum cluster Monte Carlo method for the ground state of frustrated spin systems (University of Tokyo, 2011).
  • R. Kanai,
    Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Entanglement Entropy (University of Tokyo, 2011).
  • H. Suwa,
    Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Particle Number Non-Conserved Systems and Application to Spin-Peierls Systems (University of Tokyo, 2009).
  • K. Fukui,
    O(N) Monte Carlo Method for Spin Systems with Long-range Interaction (University of Tokyo, 2008).
  • A. Shibasaki,
    擬一次元量子反強磁性体における鎖間相互作用の効果の数値的研究 (東京大学, 2007).