ニュース このサイトのニュース https://exa.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/news https://exa.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/@@site-logo/todogroup-2023.png ニュース このサイトのニュース New preprint: Updated Core Libraries of the ALPS Project もっと読む MateriApps LIVE! 2.1 released もっと読む MateriApps LIVE! 2.1 released もっと読む New preprint: Subspace-search variational quantum eigensolver for excited states もっと読む New preprint: Subspace-search variational quantum eigensolver for excited states もっと読む New preprint: Parallel loop cluster quantum Monte Carlo simulation... もっと読む New preprint: Parallel loop cluster quantum Monte Carlo simulation... もっと読む New paper: Optical bistability in a low-photon-density regime もっと読む New paper: Optical bistability in a low-photon-density regime もっと読む メンバー更新情報(2018年9月) もっと読む MateriApps LIVE! 2.0 released もっと読む MateriApps LIVE! 2.0 released もっと読む New preprint: Search for Common Minima in Joint Optimization... もっと読む New preprint: Search for Common Minima in Joint Optimization... もっと読む New preprint: Fast algorithm for generating random bit strings... もっと読む New preprint: Fast algorithm for generating random bit strings... もっと読む メンバー更新情報(2018年8月) もっと読む ALPS/looper version 4.1.0 has been released! もっと読む ALPS/looper version 4.1.0 has been released! もっと読む プレスリリース: 反強磁性スピンを非常に小さな磁場で操作することに成功 もっと読む Press release: Giant magnetic response of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet もっと読む New paper: Giant magnetic response of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet もっと読む New paper: Giant magnetic response of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet もっと読む New preprint: Neural Multi-scale Image Compression もっと読む New preprint: Neural Multi-scale Image Compression もっと読む New paper: Crystal structure prediction supported by incomplete experimental data もっと読む New paper: Crystal structure prediction supported by incomplete experimental data もっと読む New preprint: Localized Mode and Nonergodicity of a Harmonic Oscillator Chain もっと読む New preprint: Localized Mode and Nonergodicity of a Harmonic Oscillator Chain もっと読む New preprint: Optical Bistability in a Low Photon-Density Regime もっと読む 前の 30 アイテム 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 次の 30 アイテム